Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Long time no update...

So obviously, I haven't updated this in over a month...What happened was that we had a really bad flood here a couple weeks ago. The water was over three feet high in my yard and I assumed everything was gone. That didn't turn out to be the case, but there were plenty of other things to worry about with the flood that honestly, I kind of left the garden abandoned. Everything in my basement, shed and garage was destroyed.

My rabbits (who were living outside) almost drowned, so finding somewhere else to put them has been a challenge.

There has been a lot going on so I've just been doing the bare minimum with the garden every day.

When I first went out to really examine it and see the damage done, I was actually really surprised. The tomato cages had completely fallen over, but they were fine. No branches broke, there were no rotten tomatoes. They were all good. We picked them back up, hosed them off and now they're all fine. The bell peppers, as well as the red hot chili pepper plant, which were completely submerged under water for nearly an hour, are both fine as well. The red hot chili pepper plant has already given us lots of little peppers! The bell peppers are getting close. The cucumber were completely unharmed.

Now, all of those plants were ones that were big and well established. The smaller ones didn't do so well. The leaf lettuce was barely growing anyway because of the wild rabbits, so that's gone. The peas are also not going to survive out there. The string beans are surprisingly okay, they just need to be thinned out. The corn is doing great. The broccoli is doing pretty well too, both of them need to be thinned as well. The mild jalapenos haven't showed any progress, but they're still alive. The carrots never really sprouted much, but the ones that did are still fine out there. The watermelons are dying to get into the ground (no they still haven't) and if it isn't too late (which I'm sure it is), we're going to plant them ASAP.

We are setting aside a day to completely weed the whole thing. The weeds have nearly taken over the garden. We are also going to thin everything out, even though it's incredible late for that. We're at least going to try and salvage anything we can.

Today when I went out though, I found lots to grab:

We got a bunch of cucumbers (some which are way overgrown), four red hot chili peppers, a roma tomato, and a little pear tomato! The tomatoes are doing really well, so that's good. I'm going to try to get back on track with posting on here once everything out there is situated, which will most likely be within the next few days. 

Well thanks for reading!
