Friday, May 13, 2011

Plant Update

Hiiii :)

Yesterday we planted some stuff in the ground. Also, a lot of stuff is coming up from the pots! Here are some pictures:

 Here's the corn, there's a lot more today!!

And these are the peas. There are also a lot more of these!

We didn't want to plant corn in a pot, we wanted to do it directly in the ground, but when we planted them in the pots, we didn't have a place for them in the ground yet. But we do now, so they'll have a nice home when they outgrow the pot! :)


 And more tomatoes...


 The little patch on the left is onions, and there's also some onions in between the tomatoes.

 Tomatoes again!

Annnddd there's everything together. Yesterday was generally a productive day in the garden! :)

--Seana :)


  1. The garden looks great! Those tomatoes will be huge in no time :)

  2. Thanks! I'm so excited for the tomatoes! :)
