Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Still not much is happening...

The cucumbers as well as the tomatoes and red peppers are flowing in like no one's business...But everything else is on a halt. I think that those three things might be it for the summer; nothing else seems to want to produce! Except maybe the string beans...But we'll have to see about those!

Here are some pickles me and my mom made: 
They're more on the sweet side, and I don't really like sweet pickles, so we're going to try a dill recipe as well. They're a huge hit in our house though, everyone else who has tried them loves them! 

Here are some of the tomatoes:
A squirrel (or some kind of stinker) keeps going after the roma tomatoes! We've only lost two so far, but they were pretty low on the plant, so I'm hoping we don't lose many more...The roma ones are my favorite. The pear ones are good, but a bit sour for my liking, and the plum tomatoes (the two pictured behind the roma in the front are our first ones!) are a bit bland compared to the roma. They're still good with some salt and pepper though!

And here's a little bug that I found up in the front yard near the flower bed that I thought was cool!:

I've never seen a bug like that before! I especially like it's colors :)

Well that's pretty much it...Sadly I don't have much else to post about. But so I have some material for the fall, what are some good vegetables to grow in the fall in the Pennsylvania area?

Thanks for reading!



  1. That's wonderful that your tomatoes and cucumbers are doing so well after the flood. Next year you will have to plant a variety of tomato that's good for eating.

    There are many veggies that you can plant for fall....carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, to name a few.

  2. Very cool bug indeed! I agree with Robin, try some lettuces, spinach, broccoli, if you plant garlic, shallots, or onions this fall they may winter over and resume growth a bit earlier in the spring than the spring planted ones. I like that because they are leaving the beds in time for me to plant my early summer stuff! Love seeing those Romas, I have a bunch, but they are all still green right now!

  3. Robin: Yes, I was very surprised they held up so nice! Thank you very much for the list of veggies, broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables and it didn't work out well for us this summer, so we'll have to try some in the fall!

    Erin: Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely try some of that stuff out. Most of my Romas are green too! We've only had a couple, and there were two that were eaten by the squirrels. I can't wait for more :) Thanks for reading!

  4. Your pickles looks pretty similar to the cucumber salad that I made a couple of weeks ago for a Harvest Monday post. I've done two batches so far, and the second batch turned out a lot sweeter than I wanted, so I just added more vinegar and cucumber slices to it and it got "fixed." That might be something you can try next time?

    For my fall crops, I just planted some sugar snap peas, beets, radishes, spinach, arugula, lettuce, and cilantro. I know there's lots more than you can plant as fall crops, but my gardening space is limited! :)

  5. Hmmm maybe I'll try that!

    My gardening space is limited as well so thanks for the suggestions! :)
